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ASTM D4123 Free Download ASTM D4123-83.
This paper describes a test of a bituminous mixture made up of asphalt, emulsified asphalt, and limestone in a sand and gravel aggregate. This is a new test method for bituminous mixtures, ASTM D7369, and allows a direct determination of the true elastic modulus at high loadings. The direct method is intended for use in industry to provide more information than is available from laboratory tests of bituminous mixtures.
ASTM D4123 TEST RESULT (ASTM D 4123). ABSTRACT. Samples of asphalt mixture were evaluated in the laboratory under various conditions to evaluate the repeatability of .
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ASTM D4123 TEST RESULT (ASTM D 4123). ABSTRACT. Samples of asphalt mixture were evaluated in the laboratory under various conditions to evaluate the repeatability of .
Jrn 35, 2001, 5, 161-165
ASTM D4123 TEST RESULT (ASTM D 4123). ABSTRACT. Samples of asphalt mixture were evaluated in the laboratory under various conditions to evaluate the repeatability of .
Jrn 29, 1999, 5, 10-16
ASTM D4123 TEST RESULT (ASTM D 4123). ABSTRACT. Samples of asphalt mixture were evaluated in the laboratory under various conditions to evaluate the repeatability of .
Jrn 30, 2001, 5, 34-40
ASTM D4123 TEST RESULT (ASTM D 4123). ABSTRACT ac619d1d87
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